Manitoulin Resilience Roster
March 1st, 10-4pm
Mindemoya, Location TBA
Revenue Development – Full Day
Workshop description: Where can we find revenue to achieve our goals, beyond grants and government funding? Bring information about your most cherished project with you to this one-day workshop, and after a run-down of non-government funding streams we’ll work together to identify the ones that may be of most use to you. You’ll leave with at least one new idea to secure funding, and the tools you’ll need to start work right away to achieve results. Oh, and we’ll have fun, too!
Anne Frost teaches Revenue Development (aka fundraising) to arts management students at Humber College and the University of Toronto. She lived and worked in Grey County for the decade 2002-12 with small urban/rural arts organizations, and understands how vital a role they play for our sector and our society.
Registration is Open for this Event! Click Here!