
4elements has been providing much needed arts programming for the community and our local schools… These programs provide high quality programming and access to arts events that our communities might not otherwise have.

2015-2017 Movies that Matter, presentation of documentaries and art films coupled with discussion

2017 Elemental Festival: Moe Clarke (music), Melody McKiver, Nick Sherman, Paul Chaput (film)

2017 Shirley Cheechoo, Moose River Crossing (film and discussion)

2016 Elemental Festival: Lisa Hamalainen, There is no word for wilderness; Madhur Anand, poetry; Soundshow; Jamie Ward & Friends; Elisha Sidlar, Muma Wumma’s World of Walking

2015 Elemental Festival: Pistol George Warren, Folk Roots Collective

2011 Shannon Moan

2005 Mump and Smoot, Flux

2006 The Confessions of Punch and Judy (New York/Toronto), A NACL Theatre, Number 11 Theatre, and Cleveland Public Theatre co-production

2006 Movement Manitoulin: Chaandam, South Asian dance, Toronto; Toronto Tabla Ensemble; COBA, African dance and drumming; Medicine Star Drummers (M’Chigeeng First Nation); Debajehmujig Theatre

2005 COBA – African dance and drumming, Toronto

2005 Moving Pictures Film Festival

2004 Medicine Star Song and Dance Troupe, Manitoulin

2003 Icaria, Number 11 Theatre, Newfoundland

2003 Danny Grossman Dance Company, Toronto

2006 Zuppa Theatre, Nova Scotia